Gaining Access to Your Old Myspace Profile

Sponsored Links: The “New” Myspace launched a few weeks ago and in doing so, they ejected everyone’s old Myspace profile. I guess they figured no one would care if they burned their proverbial internet ghost town to the ground and started over. They apparently didn’t account for those long-time users who still wanted to keep all that old stuff, even if they didn’t check back regularly. Old Myspace blogs? Gone. Old Myspace correspondence? Toast. Old Myspace Photos? These you can get back – if you know how to get into your old account. Sponsored Links: Those users who passed away prior to the fall of Myspace had accounts that were later memorialized by loved ones – only to have these irreplaceable memories wiped out with the recent “relaunch” of the social network. There is, at the very least, a way to get back your old photos. See here for instructions. Sponsored Links: