WordPress 4.3.1 is a Big Mess!
WordPress 4.3.1 was automatically installed on my sites today (9/15/15), which were all functioning perfectly with the previous version. Now, however, I am fighting what seems to be a losing battle. Because I use different themes and plugins for all of my sites, it seems to me that the WordPress patch is the most likely culprit. Consider a few of the problems I’m having.
The Visual Editor on most sites is now blank. On at least one site, I can’t see any text above the “more” tag in HTML view.
The back end “dashboard” is slow and sluggish to save on some sites, but not all. This site, for example, runs nicely when viewed by readers. The admin section, however, is brutally slow. I have another site which is the exact opposite: The admin section is snappy, while the site loads at a glacial pace. Neither was the case before 4.3.1.
Several of my sites take forever to load.
I use the Twenty Fourteen theme on one installation, and it is perhaps the slowest of the bunch.
I’ve tried disabling plugins, adding a line to the config file, switching themes, clearing my browser cache, clearing the site’s cache, clearing Cloudflare cache, removing caching altogether, and reinstalling 4.3.1.
By the way, on your dashboard, you can click on the “updates” link and re-install WordPress that way. Now if only they’d allow you to downgrade to a previous version if the current version breaks your site!
As of yet, the biggest problems are sluggishness and the blank visual editor. I’m at a loss at this point, and I’m leaving town tomorrow – potentially unable to fix these problems for a week!
I’ve never tried to downgrade a version of WordPress before, but I’m considering it out of complete desperation.
Have you had any problems with 4.3.1? Tell me about your issues in the comments below.