Color Doctor Review: Color Coded Blood Pressure Monitor

Color Doctor is a color-coded alert system that monitors blood pressure. Does it work? Read my preliminary Color Doctor review.

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Color Doctor Review

It’s somewhat surprising to see an As Seen on TV blood pressure monitor, but that is exactly what Color Doctor offers. With this device, you strap it onto your wrist in order to take a blood pressure reading.

Rather than trying to interpret the meaning of the blood pressure numbers, you are shown your actual readings on a color-coded screen. Green is normal blood pressure, yellow means you are in the “caution” zone, while red means your blood pressure is dangerously high. You can store up to 90 readings for two different users. When you first turn the unit on, you will see an average of your last three readings.

I found that it works pretty well most of the time. There were times that the readings definitely didn’t seem accurate, like when I had a 63 over 30 measurement. I also compared it to a drug store blood pressure monitor, and the results were different. The drug store machine showed 111/72 with a pulse of 79, while Color Doctor showed 115/80 with a pulse of 87 – that’s the difference between being in the “green” zone or the “yellow” zone.

The other problem I had was that it sometimes would not deflate. I found that removing the batteries would sometimes remedy this, but sometimes it wouldn’t.

This type of device is an excellent idea for those who are concerned about their blood pressure, although these patients are usually keenly aware of what numbers are normal, borderline, and dangerous. Keep in mind that it isn’t always accurate and sometimes won’t properly deflate.

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Product Details

  • Website:
  • Domain registration: 7/11/2016
  • Stores up to 90 readings, for two individuals
  • Readings are time/date stamped
color doctor review

When I compared Color Doctor to a drug store monitor, the results were a little off.

color doctor review

Sometimes Color Doctor wouldn’t deflate.

color doctor review

Sometimes the readings seemed off, like this 63/30 measurement.


Color Doctor costs $39.99 with free shipping. There is a double offer in which you can get two for $39.99+$19.99, or $59.98. I’m not sure why you’d want two, unless you are a married couple who wants to store multiple readings.

Each Color Doctor comes with a travel case. It can be found in stores for $40, although I found it on sale for $20.


You may be surprised to know that there are actually quite a few color-coded blood pressure monitors on the market. See a full list here.

Video Review

Below is my full video review of Color Doctor.


This is the television ad for Color Doctor.

Have you used Color Doctor? Drop a comment below and tell me what you think.

Updated August 2017.

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